Mind Love Fix

What To Message Your Crush: It’s That Simple! 4 Amazing Tips

If you are stuck on what to message your crush, In this blog post we will give you some amazing tips to get the conversation going with your crush.

What To Message Your Crush

What To Message/Text Your Crush

You finally muster up the courage to message or text your crush. Your palms are sweaty and your heart is racing as you try to think of the perfect thing to say.

You want to come across as casual and interested, but not too eager. After all, you don’t want to seem desperate.

So what should you say?

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

Hopefully, these engaging ideas will help get the conversation started and the chances are, your crush will appreciate any one of these compliments. 

Just Remember What To Message your Crush First

Start With A Compliment

Everyone likes to feel appreciated, so let your crush know what you like about them. It could be something as simple as, “I really like your sense of humor” or “You’re really pretty,” I love the way you take interest in walking your dog.”

The most important thing is to be yourself and let your crush know that you’re interested in getting to know them better.

Share Something About Yourself

Let your crush know a little bit about you by sharing something that you’re interested in. This could be anything from your favorite TV show to the place you went on vacation last year.

Ask A Question

This is an easy way to keep the conversation going and show that you’re interested in getting to know your crush better. Try asking about their day, or what they’re up to this weekend.

Make A Joke

Humor is a great way to bond with someone and build rapport. If you can make your crush laugh, it’s a great sign that you’re on the right track!

Share Something About Yourself

Talking about yourself can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Sharing something personal will help your crush get to know you better, and it will also give them an opportunity to share something about themselves as well.

Be Positive And Upbeat

No one wants to talk to someone who’s always negative, so try to keep things light and fun. This doesn’t mean that you have to be fake, but it’s important to focus on the positive aspects of your crush and the conversation.

End With A Question

Asking a question at the end of your conversation will show that you’re interested in continuing the dialogue. It will also give your crush an easy way to respond if they’re interested in talking to you again.

What to Message Your Crush on Instagram/Facebook/Pinterest

Having a crush on social media is somewhat different than in real life. You can’t just go up to your crush and start chatting them up, you have to be a little more sly about it.

You don’t want them to think a crush is more than it actually is.

So what do you say to your Insta-crush?

Here are a few tips:

Whatever you do, just don’t come on too strong. No one wants to be overwhelmed by a social media stalker. Be cool, be yourself, and have fun!

A few pointers to get you going could be:

Hopefully, this gives you some ideas on what to say to your Instagram/Facebook/Pinterest crush! Just remember as always to be subtle.

How to Message Your Crush Without Being Annoying

Everyone wants to message their crush if they sum up to courage to do so, however, the excitement might turn into annoyance.

To make sure you don’t become one of those people, here are 20 tips on how to NOT be annoying when messaging your crush:

What To Talk About With Your Crush

In this video, it will teach you 13 questions to ask your crush


Messaging your crush can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. Just relax and be yourself, and you’ll be sure to impress them in no time. And who knows, maybe you’ll even end up going on a date!

Please follow us on Pinterest for more messages to your loved ones: Pinterest

Or check out our YouTube channel for more creative love videos, love messages, love quotes, and sayings: Youtube Channel.

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